This is another phase 1 exercise. I like this because it allows us to get shoulder and arm work done with one exercise versus performing dumbbell curls and shoulder presses individually. – The athlete is tall with their hips extended. – The arms must be long at the start of the curl and the wrists […]
This is phase 1/Accumulation phase exercise that we do for horizontal pressing. I’ve always like these because it allows us to get unilateral work in with dumbbells while also getting some shoulder stabilization work. Week 1 we will start with 8 reps each side and progress 2 reps each week. Ideally, we try to increase […]
We like to incorporate stretches to muscle groups that can be tight from prolonged sitting and simply playing the game of hockey. We will stretch within our strength training sessions to ensure that stretching doesn’t become an afterthought and to utilize the rest periods in between sets of strength training exercises. A muscle group that […]
I like to post these random thoughts that pop up in my head from time to time. Let me know what you think. -I’ve been using a 1×20 program with my athletes as a Post-Season/Transition phase for the past 3 years. Each off-season, I have found it to be a great re-introduction to the training […]
I like the random thought posts because it allows me to share what I am thinking when I sit down to write. I’ve been taking an active approach on social media (or more active approach). I’ve always felt that maybe my content stinks and no one will like it or maybe some would think that […]
Here is a short video that I did about Push Ups. I see many variations of push ups when I start working with youth athletes. Here are some methods that have worked to help push ups look better and get the full benefit of the exercise.
I am trying to wake my blog up from a period of inactivity. Here is something I wrote 6 years ago and was still in the “draft” category. When I re-read it and think about what I think now- If I was training a team in the off-season, I still believe in this. We use […]
Here is a link to a recent podcast that I did with Wil Fleming and Coach Dos. It was really fun to talk training with these guys. Hope you enjoy! Performance Podcast with Wil Fleming and Coach Dos
Here is a short video of some hip hinging exercises and progressions that work for me. These have been great when working with kids in a large group setting.
A common email that I get is usually from a younger strength and conditioning coach who is interested in working in professional sports. “What was the path that you took that got you to where you are ?” First, I am truly honored and humbled that some folks are 1- interested in a similar career, […]