Jul 212010

In the next post, of our “What To do If Your Glutes Are Weak” series, I want to cover our glute activation exercises and progressions.

After we have foam rolled and stretched the hip flexors, we will then activate the glutes.  It is important to note that although I broke this down into a 3-part series, the time it takes to complete all 3 steps takes about 5-10 minutes.  It is not that long of time considering that during the rest of the day, most athletes and clients are doing activities that can make the dysfunction worse.

Hopefully now since the hip flexors are lengthened, we can now get some quality contraction out of the glutes.  The first exercise we go to is the Double Leg Glute Bridge.  Here we are asking our athletes to squeeze their glutes together to create the action of hip extension.  Some of the coaching cues that we use here include getting our athletes to brace their core which would prevent lumbar extension and driving their heels into the ground.  We will do 10 reps of :03 hold.

Double Leg Glute Bridge

Another exercise that we will do during this phase is the Quadruped Bent Knee Hip Extension.  While in a quadruped position, we are trying to get our athletes to use their glute on one leg to great hip extension.  We don’t want any lumbar extension- just hip extension.  We start with 5 reps on each leg with a :03 hold.

Quadruped Alternating Leg Bent Knee Hip Extension

Ultimately, we always continue to progress to more advanced versions of each exercise for our Glute Activation progressions.  For example, we will progress from the Double Leg Glute Bridge to Cook Hip Lift, to Hands Free Single Leg Hip Extension.  For the Quadruped progressions, we progress to Straight Leg Hip Extension, to Opposite Arm/Leg Extensions, to Resisted Opposite Arm/Leg Extension.  The opportunities to progress and make these more difficult are endless.

It is important to note that these are for activation exercises only.  These are not exercises we would use within a strength training session.  Those exercises would include squatting variations and dead lifting variations to help us strengthen our entire posterior chain including the glutes.  I am a believer that if the glutes aren’t turned on, then the other muscles in the posterior chain will take over and compensate for the weak glute(s).  Thanks for reading!

Also, check out the Interviews page which include some interviews that I have done in audio format and a new recent article that was in the Orange County Register.

Jul 122010

Hey Everyone,
Hope you are doing well and having a great summer. We have been
busy adding a ton of content every week and we wanted to make
sure you are caught up with all of it.

Newest Videos:

Slide Board Progressions- Darryl Nelson:

Three Stage Hip Flexion Progression- Michael Boyle

Soft Tissue Work: Posterior Adductor Magnus- Kevin Neeld

Incorporating The Crossover Step In Speed Training For Hockey-
Sean Skahan

Also, we have posted Matt Nichol’s presentation “Energy Systems
Development for Ice Hockey” from “Second Annual Boston Hockey
Summit and Basketball Symposium”.
Check it out at:

If you want to get the Summit on DVD, including Sean Skahan’s
presentation, go to

Latest Articles:
Managing the End of a Hockey Season- Mike Potenza

Getting Your Athletes On Board Your Bus- Sean Skahan

Why Not Play on the Best Team?- Mike Boyle

Latest Programs:

Upper Body Injury Program- Sean Skahan

Off-Season Conditioning- Mike Potenza

Thanks again to all of you who have been participating on the
Coaches Forum. There have been some great discussions:

Hockey Speed vs. Foot Speed

Question about the DB Complex video

Slide Board Length Variations

If you have any questions, let us know.

Michael, Sean, Mike and Kevin

Jun 112010

The 2nd day of the Perform Better Functional Training Summit started at 8am on Saturday.  Here is the lineup of all the speakers and some of the information that I got from the day:

Todd Wright- Todd is the Strength and Conditioning Coach for Men’s Basketball at the University of Texas.  Todd is a guy who has an unbelievable passion for learning and helping his guys get better.  Todd is highly influenced by Physical Therapist Gary Gray and his organization’s methodology.  He is also an entertaining speaker who is pretty funny.  Here are some of the things that I took from his talk:

–  Locomotion is the ability to get from A to B using a variety of specific movement patterns that will allow you to accomplish the task most efficiently

–  Although the primary patterns of locomotion are walking, running, shuffling, skipping, and carioca, the possibilities of progressions and variations are endless

Chris Frankel- Chris is the Director of Programming for Fitness Anywhere, the makers of the TRX.  Although I have been using the TRX for a few years now, I’ve never been able to see Chris speak on the concept of suspension training.  Chris did a great job both in the lecture and the hands-on sessions.  Here are some of the keys that I got from both:

– Chris describes work as “high intensity interval training built on strong focused movements.”

– When doing a plank, or whenever you are holding yourself against gravity (such as with the TRX), you should focus on flexing your trunk, extending your trunk, side bending your trunk to the right, and side bending you trunk to the left, to create stability.

– The TRX is basically performing moving planks

Greg Rose- Greg is with the Titleist Performance Institute where they primarily work with golfers.  This was a highlight for me because I have seen Greg speak before and was really impressed.  His ability to evaluate movement in the golf swing and prescribe exercise strategies to prevent pain is remarkable. His speech is one of the main reasons why using a foam roller (especially a vibrating one) has helped me get out from the miserable state of the back pain I was having a few months back. I truly think that all strength and conditioning coaches should try to do this the best that they can with their athletes.  Preventing injuries and/or rehabilitating injuries go a long way with clients.  Greg is a pioneer in training for golf and I was glad I sat in this lecture.  I am already looking forward to visiting with Greg at the institute in Oceanside, Ca this summer.  Here are some of the keys that I took away:

– The number 1 injury in non-contact rotary athletes is compensation

– The key to controlling back pain from the golf swing is managing the hip and t-spine areas.  (Do we see a pattern here?)

– There are 3 postures in the golf swing- The N posture, the S posture, and the C posture

– The reverse spine angle in the golf swing is the leading cause of back pain

– Never bring a mobility problem to a stability correction

– The inability to disassociate the hip and t-spine leads to injury

Sue Falsone- Sue is a Physical Therapist who works at Athlete’s Performance and with the Los Angeles Dodgers.  She spoke on the Thoracic Spine, an area that she is passionate about and an area that I need to know more about.  Here are some key points I got from Sue’s talk:

– When using the 2 tennis balls taped together for t-spine mobility, it is better to think about making anterior to posterior movements rather than simple rolling over the balls

– The t-spine has to move in order for our arms to move

– A great pec minor release that Sue showed was with a tennis ball against a wall where there is pressure applied between the wall and pec minor with an emphasis on scapula depression.

– Respiration is automatic, breathing is conscious

That was it for Saturday.  It was another outstanding day of learning.  Sunday, I stuck around for both a lecture and hands on by Thomas Meyers.

Thomas Meyers- Last, but certainly not least was Thomas Meyers.  Thomas is the author of Anatomy Trains, a great book that describes the myofascial system.  I think most of the attendees at the Summit stuck around just to see Thomas speak.   Through his book and his lecture, Thomas gets you to look at things from a different perspective.  I learned tons of information from the lecture and hands on.  I am already thinking about how I am going to incorporate some of the line (frontal, posterior, lateral, and spiral) stretches into my training system.  Here are some of the key points from both the lecture and hands on:

– Habit requires posture.  Habits can’t be changed easily.  Postures require structure- fascia

– Fascia has a proprioceptive emphasis and is 10 times more sensitive than muscle.   There are 9 times more receptors in fascia than there are in muscle.

– Foam rolling and dynamic warm ups are good for turning on receptors

– “The body is 1 muscle surrounded by 600 fascial pockets”

– Fascia connects muscle to muscle.  Isolation exercises are a mistake.

– Fascia is organized according to the forces that you apply to the body.

Again, the Summit was awesome.  Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see everyone speak.  There are so many great speakers and topics that you simply don’t get to see them all.  I am planning on going to the Long Beach Summit for a day so that I can see some of the speakers who I didn’t get to see in Providence.

Another aspect that I want to point out is that there were over 700 people at the Summit.  What truly amazes me is that I recognize a large number of people at these every year.  These are people who are passionate about learning and helping their athletes or clients get better.  On the other hand, there are so many people that I know that I never see at these events.  I think as coaches or trainers, we get caught up in not having enough time to attend these.  Or we may look at continuing education opportunities to just get the CEU’s for a certification.  My opinion is that you can’t afford not to go to a conference like this.  I always think of Pat Riley’s quote- “If you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse.”  Thanks for reading.

Jun 092010

This past weekend, I attended the Perform Better Functional Training Summit in Providence Rhode Island.  I believe this one was my 5th or 6th Summit that I have attended.  I really think that year to year, Chris Poirier and his staff do a great job putting together great educational opportunities.  In my opinion, the 2010 Rhode Island Summit may have been one of the best.

I think the best way to judge if a seminar was really good or not is by reflecting on how much knowledge you learned and more importantly, where you can make some adjustments in your programs.  I don’t think that it’s a good idea to just learn a new exercise and throw it in somewhere without any reason to do so.  However, if I can learn a new progression, or sometimes a regression that makes sense and can help my athletes get better, I am all for it.  Here are some highlights of who I saw speak and what I took away from the presentations during Day 1:

Steve Cotter- Steve is a Kettle bell guy who walks the walk and talks the talk.  Steve came up to Anaheim for a 3 hour practical where I learned how to teach the kettle bell lifts such as the Swing (double and single arm), Snatch, Clean, and Clean and Jerk.  Steve pretty much went over those lifts to a crowd of over 100 people.  Some good information that I was reminded of and took away includes:

–       Starting the swing or snatch with your hand in a neutral position (as opposed to overhand) and also some techniques to avoid ripping your hands apart when doing multiple reps.

–       Steve advocates competition style kettle bell lifting where he does reps up into the 100’s.

Mike Boyle- Mike gave his presentation on the joint by joint approach to warm up. Although I think I may have seen this before, I really enjoy seeing Mike present live.  He is really funny and isn’t afraid to say what’s on his mind.  Some of the things that I picked up include:

–       I need to do more hip internal rotation with my athletes

–       Hip and Thoracic spine mobility are key.  (Sue Falsone gave a talk on T-spine mobility which I will review later)

–       Mike does a good job of incorporating some of the tri-planar movements into his warm up.  I like the progression and it is something that I have done with my athletes but have gotten away from.  We need to do more of that.

Fraser Quelch- This was the first time that I have seen Fraser speak.  He did a great job.  Some of the things I took away from it include:

–       “Balance is the ability to control the position that we are in”.  That quote kind of stuck to me.

–       The plank is a reactive exercise to gravity.

Al Vermeil- Al is the best, period.  I love seeing him speak as his passion for training is really noticeable during his talks.  Some great information that I got from Al:

–       Ankle, Knee, and Hip (triple) extension is the most important thing in sport

–       Coaches must keep training.  You must be able to do what you are asking your athletes to do.

–       Look at training programs like you would at investing money

–       Never get too far away from speed work

–       Ask yourself- “Am I doing a good job, or is there something I can do better?”

John Berardi- John gave a great talk on nutrition for injury recovery.  This was a good talk for me to see I it really opened up my eyes to the importance of nutrition during the recovery process.

–       For fat loss, John recommends 1 gram per percent of body fat on a daily basis for the first 2 weeks

–       Most everyone is deficient in Vitamin D

–       Fish Oil and Flax Seed are not the same.  John recommends taking both.

–       Eating fish on a regular basis isn’t the same as taking fish oil supplements.

Thomas Plummer- Thomas Plummer is a great presenter.  He really gives a kick in the butt to all of the attendees.  This year, Thomas profiled some of the people who were speaking at the Summit including Boyle, Cook, Alwyn Cosgrove, Rachel Cosgrove, Todd Durkin, and Chris Poirier.  He outlined what makes these people successful and why they are considered to be at the top of our profession.  It was really inspiring for me as I have lots of respect for all of them as professionals.  Here are some other tidbits I took from Thom’s talk:

–       Thom believes that every 4 months, you should project your life 3 years.  What does my work/life mean?  How much money am I making?  Where do I live?

–       One on one training is in-effective in making money and running your business successfully

–       Some of the quotes that I liked in the talk from some of the professional who were profiled include:  “It’s not what you know; it’s what you can get someone else to do.”- Boyle.  “Listen, practice, study, and apply- again and again- then talk.”- Cook.  “Dedication and hard work will get you some sort of success; however caring will get you happiness.”- Poirier

The first day was great.  I really picked up a lot of information that I can use with my athletes now.  Day 2 and 3 of the Summit were just as good.  I will review the rest of the Summit in a few days.  Thanks for reading.

May 262010

I was recently on a flight from Long Beach to Boston.  On the flight, I watched the movie “Invictus” which starred Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon.  Morgan Freeman’s character was Nelson Mandela, while Damon’s character was the captain of the South African rugby team named, Francois Pienaar.  In the movie, they both met for tea where Mandela was getting to know more about Pienaar’s leadership philosophy.  Mandela asked “How do you lead the rugby team?”  Pienaar’s answer was “By example”. 

Of course, I have and you have most likely heard this before, but hearing it again, prompted me to write and post this.  I really think it is crucial for any leader of any group/organization to lead by example.  For example, in sport, captains of any team need to lead by example.  They don’t necessarily have to be rah-rah type leaders, but they must lead by example in terms of character, work ethic, professionalism, etc.

In our business, I also think it is crucial for the strength and conditioning coach or personal trainer to lead by example.  For example, are you able to complete the workout that you are asking your athlete/client to do?  Have you experienced what they have?  Do you look the part?  Are you in adequate condition? 

For me personally, I am realistic in knowing that I get to work with some of the most elite athletes in the entire world.  I will probably never be in the type of condition (strength, power, speed, anaerobic, aerobic).  However, I will do my best in trying to experience what these guys go through.  I will try to get in the best condition that I possibly can so that my athletes will see me as leading by example.   What do I do?  I try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle where fitness and proper nutrition are important.  Also, I play pick up hockey once a week and I have recently signed up for a hockey league.  What do you do?  

May 202010

Even though it’s the off-season here in Anaheim, I am staying busy while working with a few of our players, continuing my education, and networking.

Based on some of my past blogs, I obviously view continuing my education as a very important aspect of my development as a strength and conditioning coach.  Another aspect that I think is important is networking.  Getting to know other coaches and trainers who may do a better job than me at something or getting to know a different perspective on things is important.  Last weekend and the next 3 weekends, I have plenty of opportunities for both education and networking.

Here is what I have been doing and will be doing:

1- May 15th– 11th Annual College of the Canyons Strength and Conditioning Clinic- I had the opportunity to speak at the 11th Annual College of the Canyons Strength and Conditioning Clinic last weekend.  I really had a blast giving my presentation and meeting most of the people there.  Robert Dos Remedios is a great coach and a great guy who did an unbelievable job organizing the clinic.  Stay tuned for a future of episode of “Snatches and Beer” which features Robert and I talking about training while enjoying a beer.  Good stuff.

2- May 22nd and 23rd– BSMPG Hockey and Basketball Conference- This weekend coming up, I have the opportunity to speak at the Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group Hockey and Basketball Conference.  I am really psyched and honored to speak at it; as most of you know, Boston is where I consider home.  I am really looking forward to seeing some of the other talks including those by Matt Nichol (formerly of the Toronto Maple Leafs), Jack Blatherwick, Bill Hartman, and Mike Boyle.  It looks like an unbelievable lineup of speakers and will no doubt provide plenty of networking opportunities.

3- May 27th, 28th, and 29th – Annual NHL Scouting Combine- The following weekend, I will be in Toronto for the annual NHL scouting combine.  This is a great opportunity to catch up with most of my colleagues in the NHL.  We have a meeting scheduled where we will be having some speakers present to us including Mike Boyle and John Pallof.

4- June 4th, 5th, and 6th– Perform Better Functional Training Summit- The weekend after the combine is the Perform Better Summit in Providence, R.I.  I think I’ve been to the Summit each year since Perform Better started doing them.  In my opinion, these are the best continuing education options presently available.  It seems that Perform Better is always adding different speakers and concepts.  This is another great opportunity to interact and share ideas with other coaches and trainers.  Stay tuned for my preview of the Summit where I will outline who I am going to go see speak.

Apr 262010

Hey Everyone,

Hope you are doing well. Here is a recap of the articles, videos

and programs this week on HockeyStrengthandConditioning.com:

Restoring Proper Hip Function: Part 2- from Kevin Neeld.

“Part 1 of this series addressed restoring adequate

range-of-motion in the hips and teaching the athlete to

dissociate between hip and lumbar spine movement. I’ll spare you

another article introduction and jump right into the nuts and

bolts of PART 2: Developing appropriate progressions for

improving hip flexion and adduction movement patterns.”

Read more at:


Video of the Week- Using The Core X System- Sean Skahan.

“One piece of equipment that we are currently using with our

athletes is the Core X system. This was developed by Physical

Therapist, Alex McKechnie. Alex is known for the work that he

does in rehabilitation with athletes in sports such as Hockey,

Basketball, and Soccer for groin, hip, and abdominal injuries.”

Watch the video at:


Coach Boyle’s Off Season Program for the Boston Bruins from 1998!

Check it out at


How Goalies Can Defy Gravity and Drop into the Butterfly Faster-

Maria Mountain

“I get great questions about off-ice training for goalies all the

time – hockey goalies really think about the demands of their

position and are always looking for ways to improve. This goalie

was looking for a way to drop into his butterfly faster.”

Check it out at:


Another great week on the site. Thanks to everyone who has been

active on the forum as well!

Michael, Sean, Kevin and Mike

Apr 172010

Some great new content up on HockeyStrengthandConditioning.com

this week:

-Video of the Week- “Corrections for Hip Extension Exercises” from

Mike Potenza- The position of skating causes the quad musculature

to become overworked and tight, as a result the Vastus Lateralis

can make hip external rotation common during some bent knee and

straight leg hip extension exercises. Here are some videos that

show how we correct exercise technique in San Jose to help

utilize the entire hamstring group properly.


-“Diversify Your Athletic Lifestyle” from Sean Skahan looks at why

it is important for young hockey players to be an athlete at

several sports. Developing skills and having fun playing other

sports can have a positive effect on any hockey player at any



-“In Season Training-Something is Better Than Nothing”- Mike Boyle:

Kind of a lousy title for an article but, it’s true. I often talk

to coaches who say “we don’t train in-season, we don’t have a

weightroom”. I think I have a simple, low cost solution.


-Also, Check out the Endeavor Hockey Assessment Form that Kevin

Neeld uses with all of his hockey players. They started

implementing this recently so they don’t have enough data to draw

any conclusions, but it should be interesting to see what

commonalities they observe after testing all of their off-season

players this Summer.


Any questions, let us know,

Kevin, Michael, Sean and Mike.


Apr 092010

We added some great content this week on HockeyStrengthandConditioning.com.:

–     “Shopping For the Right “Dryland” Training Program” from Mike Potenza.

As the summer gets closer, parents and young hockey players will hear about many camps and programs available for off-ice training.  Shopping for the right “Dryland” training program can be made easier by asking a few questions.  Coach Potenza lists what questions to ask and why to ask them.

–     Answering to a forum post, Jaime Rodriguez shows sled variations at Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning for the Video of the Week.

–     Sean Skahan breaks down 4 phases of “In-Season Core” work.

Also, the Coaches Forum is jumping.  Lots of great discussion already, including “Testing Hockey Players”.  Find out the answers to:

  1. What are the best tests to use in the beginning of the season for college and pro hockey players to determine anaerobic capacity, power, and strength.


  1. Does anybody have their players perform the test multiple times during the season and post season to compare the strength and conditioning to the pre-season?


Hope you all are enjoying the site.  Any questions let us know. 

Michael, Sean, Mike, and Kevin.