May 072012

There has been tons of great thought processes shared about the role of the foot in regards to function and sports performance.  For example, I immediately think of people such as Todd Wright (Strength and Conditioning Coach at University of Texas Basketball) and Gary Gray when it comes to people who are passionate about it.   I find it fascinating how important the foot is in regards to function and the chain of events that happens to the whole entire body once it hits the ground.

As a strength and conditioning coach who works with hockey players, I could make a case for ignoring the movements of the foot. Why?  An aspect to consider in regards to hockey players is that the game is played on/in skates.  The foot never hits the ground.  Hockey skates are supportive and they lock the foot and ankle into place with the firmness of the boot and the tightened skate laces.  There is not much movement available in the foot when it is in a skate.  However, there has to be movement so the foot can feel the skate blade below it- especially when accelerating, stopping, starting, turning, and crossing over.

When hockey players are participating in strength and conditioning programs (I really don’t like the term “dry-land”), they are wearing athletic footwear.  Their feet have to be able to move and produce ground force reactions.  As for footwear, we are always suggesting that our players wear the barefoot/minimal concept shoes.  This past season, we ordered a pair of New Balance Minumus for all of our players.

Something that I continue to see is that when some athletes are move, whether it be during warm up, or while strength training (especially single leg exercises), the foot that is on the ground may move.  Sometimes, I may observe eversion of the ankle and foot.  Most of the time, I see inversion where it looks like the athletes’ foot rolls to the outside.  I commonly see this with the front foot of a forward lunge walk, during a 1-leg modified straight leg deadlift, and versions of some of our single leg squatting exercises. When this happens, it is obvious that the big toe isn’t pushing into the ground the way that it should be.   I can actually see the part of the shoe that covers the big toe come off the floor.

Why is this important?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

With the foot rolling to the outside during most single leg strength exercises, this may be occurring inside the skate when they are skating. It is imperative for a hockey player to be able to use the muscles of the big toe while skating.  The final phase of the push off in skating is referred to as the “toe flick” which is accomplished by pushing the big toe into the ice and pushing off.

What can happen with players who’s big toe doesn’t hit the ground is that the toe flexor muscles can become weak/underactive.  The specific muscle would be the Flexor Hallucis Longus.  This muscle originates at the lower 2/3 of the back of the the fibula.  The tendon goes under the foot and attaches to the base of the big toe.  Its action is plantar flexion of the big toe.

I am not advocating the addition of seated calf raises to strengthen the Flexor Hallucis Longus into a hockey player’s strength and conditioning program.  However, I am advocating for strength and conditioning coaches to be aware of their players and their ability to use their big toe muscles.  Have them pay more attention and keep their foot flat on the ground while warming up and performing strength training exercises.  They also need to think about pushing their foot into the ground/ice and finishing off the push off with the big toe flick when running or skating.

If a player is already playing at a high level with weak toe flexors, how better might they be if they were able to push that big toe into the ice harder to generate a better toe flick while skating?  Sometimes every little bit of difference helps.

May 042012

I hope everyone has had a good week.  For me personally, I am still in shut-down mode here as far training hockey players.  Also, I always tell myself that I won’t watch too much hockey, but I find myself watching most of the games with my son Will.  This year’s playoffs have been so hard not to watch.

As for, things are going pretty well.  We have had some great additions to the site since my last update:

First up is Slideboard Training Ideas by Mike Potenza.  In this article/program, Mike breaks down his slideboard conditioning very specifically.  Mike uses the number of foot contact on each side of the board and board length to measure and add volume to his conditioning program.  I like this.  However, we just go on the board for a certain amount of time.  Maybe I will look at this more.

Next up is Sport Specific Leg Press by Carrie Keil and Darryl Nelson.  In this video, the hockey players are using a sled on the ice while working on skating patterns.  The sled is called the Pavesled.  This is a really interesting video.  I really like resisted sled work in our acceleration/speed program, but have never really taken a close look at it on the ice.  This is a great post from Carrie and Darryl.

Last ups is Seated T-Spine Extension by me.  I am starting to use this one more as I recently learned this variation from Charlie Weingroff.  The key is getting the hips above 90 degrees and getting the elbows touching one another.  Our guys certainly “feel it” when they use it.

That’s it for now.  I am really looking forward to my trip to Germany next week followed by a trip back to Boston.  I hope to see some you!

May 012012

I want to do more book reviews on my blog.  Similar to when I go to seminars, I like to take notes, highlight the best takeaway information, and then organize them into a review.  Like a previous blog post, I write these reviews and descriptions to help me get some of my thoughts about the subject on paper (or computer).

The first book I want to talk about is Triphasic Training by Cal Dietz and Ben Peterson.  Before I get into the book, I wanted to take the time to mention Cal.  I’ve known Cal now for the past 12 years.  Back in 1999, Cal graduated and moved on to the University of Findlay from his Graduate Assistant position at the University of Minnesota.  I was fortunate to be able to replace him at Minnesota.  Cal was then re-hired as the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for Olympic Sports at the University of Minnesota a few years later right after I graduated and departed for the University of North Dakota.  Since then, Cal has done an unbelievable job with U’s athletic department.  The teams and individual athletes that he has coached have been very successful.

Along with being a successful strength and conditioning coach, Cal is a very bright and is also a really good person.  Most of the time when I speak to Cal about strength and conditioning or what he is doing with his athletes, I honestly feel dumb.  There are times when I really have no clue what he is talking about and things are just way over my head.   When it comes to being a good person, I know from a personal perspective. I will never forget being at the Rochester Mayo clinic in Minnesota for a major surgery that I had to have done back in 2005.  It was a scary time for me and my family.  Cal and his wife Karyn, a former USA hockey Olympian, made the trip down from Minneapolis to come visit me as I was recovering.   I thought that was really neat and it is obviously something that I will never forget.

Triphasic Training is a really good detailed description on the methods of Cal’s strength and conditioning philosophy.  What I like most about the book is that the information is laid out in a very comprehensive manner that even I understood.  Cal tells stories and makes comparisons to some of the athletes that he has coached to make points more clear.  What is triphasic training?   From what I am taking away from the book, it is how Cal manipulates the “tri phasic” actions of applying stress to the body.  Eccentrically, Isometrically, and Concentrically.  There are so many ways that the strength and conditioning coach can apply stress and you will learn several of the methods that Cal uses.  Not only will you learn the methods, but more importantly, the why.

To be honest, there are times when I feel a little overwhelmed by the whole Russian training methodology.  Sometimes I feel that I need to read up on all of the author such as Verkhoshansky, Medvedev, etc.  Or, just read Supertraining over and over again.  For me, Triphasic Training has made understanding what those guys are talking about a little bit easier.

The concept of block periodization is something that I could see working in the collegiate setting or in an Olympic training type environment.  Having your athletes available to train with you for up to 48 weeks per year makes such a difference.  The more time that you have with your athletes, the more you can do.  From my understanding, block periodization is spending more time on one fitness quality over others.  For example, in a strength block, the athletes would be spending more time with higher loads and less volume.  In an endurance type block, there would be more of an emphasis on higher volume with lighter to medium loads.

I guess I am more of a concurrent periodization coach while also alternating strength and accumulation phases.  We always work on getting stronger, getting faster, getting more powerful, and getting in better condition. For my situation, the reality is that I don’t get the opportunity to train my athletes year round.  With the exception of 3-4 of our players, our guys are gone from season’s end to the next season’s beginning.  So, I don’t get to spend 48 weeks per year with them.

Our job as strength and conditioning coaches is to apply stresses to our athletes in the safest and most effective ways as possible.  Triphasic Training is a great resource for learning the way that one of the best in our industry does it.  Get Triphasic Training here.

Apr 202012

I hope everyone has had a great week.  Hopefully you have been able to watch some of the NHL playoffs.  I really can’t believe how many overtime games that there has been so far.  The Phoenix versus Chicago series alone has gone 4 games so far.   All 4 of them have gone to OT.

I really find it tough not to watch the playoffs even though we are out.  There is just something about watching hockey at this time of year as each team does everything that they possibly can to win the cup.

We have had some really good additions to since my last update:

First up is Mike Potenza’s 8 Second Stiffness Jumps video of the week.  This is an interesting video that shoes Mike doing some really fast quick jumps for 8 seconds.  He uses them both as a plyometric exercise by themselves and as a complex between Olympic lifting sets.

Next up is my own 2011/2012 Core and Hip Program.  This is a circuit of exercises that we used this past season to help us strengthen the muscular structures in the hips and core to help us prevent injuries.  I am a big believer in being proactive when it comes to my athletes.  We will do what some people would do with injured athletes with our “healthy” athletes.

Next up is Darryl Nelson’s  4-Day Off-Season Program that Darryl has used in the past.  Like Darryl’s programs, mine are very similar when it comes to exercise order and selection.

Last is my own Should We Strengthen Our Toe Flexors article.  This is a piece that I have been putting together as I have been noticing some of the foot patterns in my athletes.  When I think of the importance of the toe flick in the final push off in skating, I think it is important that every player should be able to have toe flexors that are strong.

We have also had some good discussions on the forum such as changes to programs and strength and conditioning advice for a 13-year old.  Make sure you check out the forum when you log on.

Thanks for your continued support!


Apr 192012

I recently had the privilege of attending Charlie Weingroff’s seminar at Momentum Sports Physical Therapy in Lake Forest, CA. For those that don’t know Charlie, he is a really bright person, physical therapist, and strength coach.  I actually first met him at the Perform Better Summit in Rhode Island in 2010, even though I have read most of his information prior.

What I really like about Charlie is that he has some very similar philosophies as me in regards to how he trains athletes.  He is also does unbelievable job of blending strength and conditioning principles with his physical therapy knowledge.  So, when he is giving a seminar 15 minutes away from my house, I am in.

For me, writing these kind of posts allow me to go back and look at my notes from seminars and then organize them better by putting them out there.  At the same time, these are my notes and may come across as random.

-“Get it Right versus doing the best you can.”  Charlie was very passionate about this thought.  He doesn’t like hearing that people “Did the best you could”.  Find out the best right way how to do something and do it.  Doing the best you can isn’t acceptable.

-The Making a Monster concept wasn’t what I thought it was going to be.  I actually thought he was going to give us exercises, sets, and reps of how to make a monster.  I was wrong.  There is actually so much more to do before you prescribe sets and reps.  It goes back to the first thought- Get it right.  Dial in the athlete’s movement, preparation, and sensory systems before we assign sets and reps (which is probably the easy part).

-Charlie touched upon aerobic energy system work.  Aerobic energy system work can help the locomotor system.  Charlie recommends aerobic work to be done in the 30-60 minute range at a heart rate below 110 bpm.  Especially for those who may be in pain or in a rehabilitation setting.

-“More Keys you have on the key ring, the more doors you can open”.  I loved this quote.  To me, there is nothing wrong with learning as much information that you can and then filtering the information and then developing and building your own system.  For whatever reason, people in our industry criticize others for learning lots of new information and applying it.  I somewhat agree and also somewhat disagree.  I think that it is important that you are also being smart about how you incorporate new information.  We need to be good at what we do.  For example, I am a strength and conditioning coach.  I want to be the best strength and conditioning coach for my athletes.  Sometimes, we find those that learn new information in the form of a seminar or a book and try to apply it right away without having a foundation from what the knowledge is built upon.  I am not a physical therapist, but I find that I can learn apply information learned from PT’s in my setting.  However, I can’t and won’t treat pain, manipulate people (physically), or “practice” PT.  Be good at what you do and what you are.

– I really like what the omega wave technology does and could do for myself and my athletes.  The reality is that it costs 35k.  So, I won’t be purchasing one anytime soon.  However, Charlie talked about using grip strength as a way to assess stress levels.  From reading more  information from guys like Patrick Ward and Charlie, finding a way to assess my athletes stress levels and then either ramping up or backing off on them MAY be something that I would consider doing.  We will see as I need to experiment with it.  However, I just found a hand grip dynamometer in the Athletic Training room.  Since it has a sticker on it that says it needs to be calibrated in 1999, it hasn’t been used in a long time.


-Are we using our lumbar extensors when we should be using our hip extensors in exercises such as glute bridges?  For me personally, I needed to see and feel this.  As a coach who has been using glute bridges with my athletes for a few years now, maybe I need to re-look at this again.  Why?  Well, I need to work on my own hip extension pattern as I really don’t have much hip extension ability in my hips.  However, Charlie was able to help me and give me a few correctives that I think work better than glute bridges in terms of re-learning how to use my glutes and hamstrings versus my lumbar extensors.  Maybe my athletes are using their lumbar extensors as well?I think hockey players could always use some more hip extension pattern length.

-Rolling patterns should be assessed and corrected if they are impaired.  This is something that I could see and feel directly.

All in all, this seminar was really good.  I actually had to miss the afternoon of the 1st day as my son Will had a playoff hockey game.  I would recommend that you see Charlie at one of his seminars or at the Peform Better Summits this summit.  Charlie will also be speaking at the Okanagan Strength and Conditioning Conference this summer.

Apr 062012

I hope everyone is doing well.  I am currently writing this post in my hotel room in Calgary.  This is where we will finish off our season tomorrow against the Flames.  For those of you that follow our team, there is no question that our place in the standings and not making the playoffs is a huge disappointment.  Our start to the season wasn’t the way that we wanted it to go, but it is important to note that since the beginning of 2012, we have been one of the best teams in the league.  Moving forward as a team, we have to build on our strong second half of the season.  Most importantly right now is to finish off strong tomorrow and get a solid off-season of training from each player in our organization.

As for what’s going on at HockeySC, we have some great contributions at the site since my last update:

First up is Darryl’s Stagger Stance Lateral Squat video of the week.  This is an interesting variation of a lateral squat.  I would be interested in knowing if Darryl uses it as a warm up, a strength exercise, or both.

Next ups is Eric Renaghan’s Stiff isn’t Always Bad article.  In this piece, Eric talks about muscle stiffness and where and how it is provided in movement.  He also talks about how he uses the body blade and light medicine balls in the role of creating stiffness at the shoulder joint.  This is an excellent article that may actually convince me to use my body blade more with our players who have shoulder issues.

Next up is Kevin Neeld’s Training Overhaul: Making the Transition from Old School to Current Principles without Pissing off the Coach! (Part 1) article.  This is a real interesting piece that was well written.  I think what this article does is present the reality that lots of strength and conditioning coaches in hockey face.  Kevin gives some great ideas on the educational process from strength and conditioning professionals to sport coaches.  I look forward to reading part 2.

Last is episode 5 of the HockeyStrength Podcast.  In this episode, Anthony and I discuss my topic for the upcoming BSMPG seminar- Injury Prevention Strategies for Hockey.

That’s it for new content additions this week.  Please remember to check out the forum when you log on.  There are some interesting discussions going on about the forward stride in hockey, game day nutrition, and the concept of measuring hand grip strength.

Also, if you aren’t a member yet, you have 2 days to take advantage of our $1 per day for 7 days, and then $9.95 per month each month after.  We are raising the price after 2 days.  So please take advantage if you would like to access the best hockey strength and conditioning information on the internet.

Thanks and Happy Easter!


Apr 022012

Here is my upcoming travelling, speaking, and learning schedule:

MAY 12th- 16th 

German Hockey Federation Coaches Clinic

Trainer Fortbildung (Coaching Refresher Course)

A Trainerausbildung (A Coaches Course)

Cologne, Germany


MAY 19th- 20th 

Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group Annual Seminar

Boston, MA


JUNE 7th- 10th 

CK-FMS Workshop


St. Paul MN

AUGUST 10th-12th  

Perform Better Functional Training Summit

Long Beach, CA


AUGUST 17th- 18th 

Okanagan Strength and Conditioning Conference

Kelowna, BC Canada


Mar 302012

It’s been a few weeks since my last update for on what’s going on at  During that time, we have had some excellent contributions.  Before we get into the content, I want to give readers who aren’t members a quick reminder that you can still sign up for $1 per day for 7 days.  After that it is $9.95 per month.  In 9 days, we are going to raise the price.  So, if you are a hockey strength and conditioning coach, coach, trainer, player, or a parent of a player(s) and you aren’t a member now, don’t hesitate to take advantage of the current offer while it lasts.  There is so much content currently on the site with 2-4 pieces being added weekly that this is a very reasonable price.

Here is what we have added over the past few weeks:

Goaltender Specific Strength and Conditioning by Darryl Nelson.  In this article, Darryl explains his philosophy on goaltender strength and conditioning.  Darryl’s philosophies on goaltending training are pretty similar to my thoughts.

Ball Squeezes by myself,  is a video of a groin/adductor ball squeeze routine that I incorporate with players who have sustained a groin injury and for the prevention of groin injuries.  This is a pretty simple video of 2 exercises that have been very beneficial over the years for the prevention and care of groin/adductor injuries.

Next up is Off-Season Conditioning 4-Day by Mike Potenza.  When I look at what it costs to join our site and weigh the benefits of being a member, I think of how high of value that this piece is.  This is pretty much the entire off-season conditioning program that Mike uses with his players.  Like most of Mikes’ information, I agree with it.  This is definitely a must-read.

Level 1 Training Program Phase 1 by Kevin Neeld.  This is a good 2-day program that Kevin has used with his youth players in phase 1.  This is a good timely piece as the off-season will be starting soon for many hockey players across the world.  This is a good program to start with if you only have 2 days per week.

The Hockey Strength Podcast Episode 4 is up next.  Anthony Renna has done and continues to do an unbelievable job with the Strengthcoach Podcast and with the Hockey Strength Podcast.  In this episode, Anthony talks to Northeastern Hockey Strength and Conditioning Coach Dan Boothby about the upcoming BSMPG seminar and his talk topic.  Dan is a great guy who has done a real good job of helping the BSMPG annual seminar become one of the best seminars for hockey performance information.  Like I said in a previous blog post, I am honored to be a part of this again.

If you are a current member, don’t forget to check out the forum.  There are always great discussions going on and it is also a great place to drop a question.  We are always logging in and checking.



Mar 192012

The 1-arm kettlebell press has become an exercise that I feel is very important for my athletes.  The benefits of the exercise include increasing unilateral overhead strength and stability while also increasing “core” strength and stability.

We progress from a kneeling position to a standing positioin.  We will keep sets and reps in the 3 sets of 5-8 range each arm.

Phase 1

Kneeling 1-Arm Press

Phase 2

Half Kneel 1-Arm Press

Phase 3

Standing 1-Arm Press

For more info on how I use kettlebells with the hockey players that I train, please check out my DVD Kettlebell Lifting for Hockey.